The example is changing from Tranditional Chinese to English
Although you can find the GUI setting from menu, but it will show you an error message after you save the change.
The right approach to change the language is below:
Step1: Locate to “etc” folder whthin R installation directory, in my example, C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.1\etc
Step 2: Open file, Rconsole
Step 3: Find “language = “, add “en” as language code
Step 4: When you save the file, system will show no permission error. Click “No” not to save the file.
Step 5: Right click the Rconsole file –> click “Properties” to pop up property window
Step 6: Switch to “Security” tab –> click “Edit” button –> choose “Users” –> tick “Allow” on “Full control” –> OK
Step 7: Repeat step 2 to 4 again to add “en” in the end of “language = ” line
Step 8: Open R console to see the meun in English